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Refractive Surgery

Our doctors manage preoperative and postoperative ocular surgeries at our Johnstown location. 

LASIK (Laser-Assisted-In-Situ Keratomileusis) is the most revolutionary vision correction procedure ever developed. Patients can improve their vision from 20/500 to 20/20 in a single day!  LASIK corrects for nearsightedness, farsightedness, and astigmatism with an eximer laser to reshape the cornea.  A protective corneal flap is created during the procedure that will be lifted by the surgeon to expose the treatment area and then realigned at the end of the treatment.  This allows for less discomfort during the healing time.  The entire procedure takes 5-15 minutes per eye and is performed on an outpatient basis. 

PRK (photorefractive keratectomy) also corrects for nearsightedness, farsightedness, and astigmatism with an eximer laser to reshape the cornea. There is no flap that is created during PRK, which can lead to a longer recovery time.  However, PRK is suitable for patients with thin corneas, dry eyes, larger pupils, other corneal issues, and certain careers; some of which would make the patient unsuitable for LASIK.

Our Surgeons  LASIK, PRK, and other refractive surgeries are performed by an ophthalmologist. We partner with Dr. VanHorn and Dr. McLaughlin of Laurel Eye Clinic (see website)   Both surgeons offers the newest and best option for LASIK which is Custom Wavefront LASIK performed without the use of any blades.  

LASIK Consultation

If you or your loved one is interested in determining whether you are a candidate for LASIK, call our office to request a current eye examination and free consultation. Our office is fully equipped with the latest technology to accurately assess your eye health and perform the appropriate measurements required. 

Advanced Technology Used During LASIK Consultation/Preoperative Visit

    • Corneal Pachymetry – This device measures the thickness of your cornea. This is necessary to determine your candidacy for LASIK as well as diagnosing certain ocular diseases such as glaucoma.
    • Corneal Topographer – This gives a topographical map of your cornea.
    • TearLab – Measures how dry your eyes are by analyzing a sample of your tears.

Postoperative Care

Once you’ve successfully had your refractive surgery, our optometrists will closely follow you on a set schedule for the first few months after surgery to ensure you have the best vision and to monitor the healing process over time.


Cataracts refer to the gradual clouding of the lens in the eye leading to blurred vision. This occurs the majority of the time due to aging but can also be caused by smoking, UV overexposure, diabetes, and prolonged steroid use.  Our doctors assess for the presence of cataracts during a comprehensive eye examination and grade them based on the severity of condition.  Once the cataracts are causing significant visual disruption, our optometrists will refer you to have cataract surgery by a trusted and respected surgeon.

Cataract Surgery Co-Management

  1. We partner with Dr. Arlow at Arlow Ophthalmology.  When you are ready for cataract surgery, our optometrists will go over the options with you and help you make the best personalized decision for the appropriate surgeon and care. 
  2. After the cataract surgery, we will closely follow you at our office for postoperative treatment to ensure appropriate healing and a quick recovery. 
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